Stakeholder Engagement
Democracy and Development
Building on the past: visions of housing futures. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 239-26

Soft factors in integrating innovation in advanced e-services
International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 15 (3/4) pp 161-177

The challenge of the e-Agora metrics: the social construction of meaningful measurements
International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12 (2/3/4) pp. 210-222
Urban Futures: embracing change
Final report to Building Futures (CABE & RIBA)
The Urban Futures Game: visualising neighbourhood change
The Urban Futures Game: visualising neighbourhood change, Building Futures (CABE and RIBA)
How to engage with small-medium construction firms - executive summary for local advisors
How to engage with small-medium construction firms
How to engage with small-medium construction firms - executive summary for local advisors
How to engage with small-medium construction firms – executive summary for local advisors
Start up training for small and medium-sized enterprises
Executive summary. Prepared for the Small Business Service

The Challenge of Designing User-Centric E-Services: European Dimensions
In Reddick, C. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Strategies for Local E-Government Adoption and Implementation: Comparative Studies: Volume 1, Information Science Reference, Hershey, New York. pp. 461-476