Design, Innovation & Value
The head, the heart and the hand: architecture and its place in the academy
Architectural Studies, vol 2, no 1, pp27-33 ISBN 2411-801X

Designing Intelligent Schools
Proceedings 18th CIB World Building Congress, May 2010, Salford UK, CIB Publication 358, pages 1-15
Architectural research and its enemies
ARQ (Architectural Research Quarterly), vol 14, no 1, pp 11-16

The influence of building design on scholarly performance: the perceptions of stakeholders in 20 new UK primary schools
Paper to Architecture and Behaviour Conference, Monte Verita, Ascona, 14-15 April 2008
All for one: collaboration is the key to good design
RIBA Journal, March 2007, vol 114, no 3, pp 72-75
Managing through projects in knowledge-based environments
Special Issue Introduction by Guest Editors, Long Range Planning, vol 41, no 1, pp 7-16
Added value of good design
Building Research & Information, vol 34, no 3, pp 257-271
The valuation of intangibles: explored through primary school design
Paper to CIB W096 Architectural Management, Special meeting on ‘Designing value: new directions in architectural management’ Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
Valuable lessons: workshops put a price on intangibles
RIBA Journal, vol 112, no. 9, Practice Supplement page X, September 2005
Report of the Be/nCRISP Value Task Group
CRISP Commission 04/13: Value Task Group
Better designed buildings - improving the valuation of intangibles: summary report
DTI-supported study addressed the need for new valuation methods that credit the intangible benefits arising from good design. This version was prepared for, and published on, the RIBA website.
Better designed buildings - improving the valuation of intangibles: final report
Final report on DTI-supported study that addressed the need for new valuation methods that credit the intangible benefits arising from good design
Better designed buildings - improving the valuation of intangibles. Introduction to 'intangibles' - a literature review
DTI-supported study that addressed the need for new valuation methods which credit the intangible benefits arising from good design
Improving design quality and value in the built environment through knowledge of intangibles
Paper to International Engineering Management Conference (IEMC) 2004, Singapore
Interdisciplinary Design in Practice
Pub. Thomas Telford, London, 227 pages. ISBN 0 7277 3008 8.

Identifying and managing iteration within the early stages of the building design process
Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Glasgow, pp 123-13, edited by Culley, S.; Duffy, A.; McMahon, C.; Wallace, K. ISBN 1-86058-356-3
Mapping the design process during the conceptual phase of building projects
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, vol 9, no 3, pp 174-180 [also published in Proceedings of CIB W96 Commission on Architectural Management: Design Management in the Architectural and Engineering Office, (held in Atlanta, May 2000) edited by G Augenbroe and M Prins, CIB Report/Publication 263, pages 97-108, CIB Rotterdam, March 2001, ISBN 90-6363-027-1.]
One step forward and three back: a study of the patterns of interdisciplinary conceptual design
Proceedings of the Design Research Society Conference, September 2000, Coventry, UK
A review of current industry and research initiatives on design
Construction Research & Innovation Strategy Panel (CRISP) Commission 99/5
Using training workshops to map interdisciplinary team working
Proceedings of Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers National Conference 1999. Harrogate, UK. Pages 38-49
Interdisciplinary interaction during conceptual design
Pages 297-305, volume 1, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of ARCOM (the Association for Research in Construction Management), Liverpool John Moores University. Published by ARCOM, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading. ISBN 0-9534161-2-7. 2 volumes. Edited by Will Hughes
Educational Environments
Architects Journal, vol 207, no 8, pp 53-54

Energy efficiency as a casualty of inter-professional rivalries in building design: a case study, BRECSU
Report to Building Research Energy Conservation Support Unit

People, an unresolved problem in the provision of design guidance and tools for low energy building
Paper to International Climatic Architecture Congress, Louvain-la-Neuve. Proceedings published by CIACO, ISBN 2-78085-079-4

Speculative housing: a critical appraisal of the design quality of some starter homes
Paper to Conference on Design, Quality, Cost, Profit, Portsmouth Polytechnic. Proceedings published by E. & F.N. Spon as Quality and Profit in Building Design, edited by Brandon & Powell, ISBN 0-419-13390-9
Information for Designers
Design Studies, vol 5, no 2, pp 113-120

Designing for Building Utilisation
E. & F.N. Spon, ISBN 0-419-13470-0
Synopses of some recent published studies of the design process and designer behaviour
Design Studies, vol 4, no 2, pp 133-140

Design processes and value theory
Paper to Design Policy Conference, Royal College of Art, July 1982: Proceedings edited by Richard Langdon, published by the Design Council, 1984, ISBN 0-85072-142-3
Architectural designers' values and the evaluation of their designs
Design Studies, vol 2, no 3, pp 131-137
Empirical and theoretical studies of design judgement: a review
Design Studies, vol 2, no 1, pp 19-26
Designers' values and the evaluation of designs
PhD thesis, Department of Design Research, Royal College of Art
Mapping the early stages of the design process
Pages 1175-1178, volume 2, Proceedings of ICED 99 (the 12th International Conference on Engineering Design), Munich. Published by Technische Universitat Munchen, ISBN 3-922979-53-X. 3 volumes. Edited by U. Lindemann, H. Birkhofer, H. Meerkamm and S. Vajna